According to the Texas A&M University System, hazing is defined as any intentional, knowing or reckless act, 发生在教育机构校园内或校园外的, by one person alone or acting with others, 以宣誓为目的而针对学生的, being initiated into, affiliating with, 担任某一组织的职务或保持其成员资格的行为:

  • Is any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, 在身体或类似活动上放置有害物质;
  • Involves sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, 使学生面临不合理的伤害风险或对学生的身心健康或安全产生不利影响的健美操或其他活动;
  • Involves consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug or other substance, other than described by the next paragraph, that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student; and/or
  • Is any activity that induces, causes or requires the student to perform a duty or task that involves a violation of the Penal Code; or involves coercing, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, the student to consume a drug; or an alcoholic beverage or liquor in an amount that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the student is intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, Penal Code.

The complete A&移动商务欺凌政策和所有其他与行为相关的信息都在我们的学生行为准则中.

学生或学生团体可能会因欺侮行为受到纪律处分和制裁&M-Commerce Student Code of Conduct. For more information, please visit the Dean of Students.

A&移动商务将惩罚任何被发现有欺侮行为的学生或学生团体. 对欺侮学生的处罚包括但不限于留校察看, parental notification, suspension, 大学官员认为适当的开除或其他处罚. 对学生团体的处罚包括社会留校察看, disciplinary probation, suspension and loss of recognition. 学生和学生团体也可以被分配教育制裁,旨在改变行为和减少未来不当行为的风险.

当欺侮发生在学生群体中时,a&移动商务可能会发现学生群体和学生个人都有责任. 如果一个学生团体纵容或鼓励欺侮行为,就会被追究责任, or if its officers, 会员或校友承诺或协助欺侮委员会.

A&移动商务拥有帮助学生和学生团体防止欺侮的资源. 学生和学生团体可以咨询学生办公室主任,博爱 & 姐妹会生活办公室和咨询中心. 两个全国性组织也可以成为有用的资源: Stop Hazing and Hazing Prevention. Fraternity & 姐妹会生活每年都会举办许多与预防欺侮有关的活动 National Hazing Prevention Week in September.


任何了解欺侮行为的人都应该立即通过提交一份 Anonymous Hazing Report or through the Dean of Students. A&移动商务将调查所有涉及学生的欺侮报告, 被指控的不当行为是否发生在校内或校外,也不管受害者是否屈服于被指控的不当行为.


你也可以拨打全国反欺侮热线免费电话1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293).


  • 全国反欺侮热线免费电话是1.888.NOT.HAZE (1.888.668.4293). 这条线适用于那些认为自己, or students they know, have been or may become victims of hazing. Callers may remain anonymous, 或者他们可以提供个人信息,这样他们的担忧就可以直接得到回应.
  • StopHazing.org 一个致力于消除欺侮的教育网站吗.
  • HazingPrevention.org 是否是一个非盈利的501 (c)(3)组织,其目标是为团队的新成员提供健康和富有成效的体验, student organizations, and fraternities and sororities.


Hazing is not only against A&移动商务政策,但这也是违法的. The Texas Education Code sections 51.936 and 37.151 through 37.157, make hazing a criminal offense. Criminal penalties for hazing can include:

  • 未报告欺侮行为:最高罚款1000美元和/或最高180天监禁
  • 没有造成严重身体伤害的欺侮:罚款500- 1000美元和/或监禁90-180天
  • 欺侮造成严重身体伤害:罚款1000 - 5000美元和/或180天至1年监禁
  • 欺侮导致死亡:罚款5,000- 10,000美元和/或1-2年监禁

被判犯有欺侮罪的个人可能被要求执行社区服务,而不是被监禁, except when hazing results in death. 欺侮学生可能会受到刑事起诉和处罚,以及通过大学行为程序进行制裁.


Texas A&M University-Commerce

Hazing Violations Within the Last Three Years

OrganizationDate Incident OccurredDate Investigation was InitiatedWhat OccurredViolations of the Code of Student ConductFindingsSanctionsDate Conduct Process was Resolved
Not ApplicableSpring 2021
Not ApplicableFall 2021
Not Applicable Spring 2022
Delta Sigma ThetaOctober 2022October 25, 2022Intentional acts for the purposes of pledging.HazingResponsibleSocial Probation
December 07, 2022, through May 19, 2023. 包括因违反学生行为准则而取消作为一个组织的所有社会特权.
Educational Sanction
The chapter must plan, market, 并在4月1日之前实施一项向大学社区提交的教育计划, 2023.

Educational Sanction
组织应在12月22日前对基于欺侮的教育信息进行审查和反思, 2022.
December 2, 2022
Not ApplicableSpring 2023
Not ApplicableFall 2023
Not ApplicableSpring 2024

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